The Times Real Estate


Buyers remain engaged despite lockdown

  • Written by Tim McKibbin, CEO, Real Estate Institute of NSW

Lockdown has set in and agents are prepared. Adaptation is becoming the norm and it’s  working, as buyers remain engaged and properties are transacting. 

There have been examples in recent weeks of properties selling sight unseen and  completely contactless. Some buyers have been satisfied by virtual tour to make an  offer, which was subsequently accepted, and the parties have docu-signed on the dotted  line.

We can expect more examples of pivoting in coming weeks as agents facilitate  innovative ways for buyers to make property purchases.

Prior to the current lockdown, the market was cooling slightly. Prices were still growing  but the pace of growth had slowed. 

There’s a possibility that we could be set for a mini-spike when we come out of  lockdown, when buyers who have had their plans temporarily interrupted re-emerge with  purpose.

In the rental market, Sydney vacancies have tightened month-on-month, according to  the most recent REINSW data, and further tightening could potentially emerge as a trend  to watch out for. 

It’s the middle and outer-ring suburbs that are driving the vacancy rate down; the  inner-ring market has not experienced as pronounced an increase in rental demand and  the latest lockdown won’t help.

The demand side is becoming more crowded among both buyers and renters. Returning  expats are joining families desiring a lifestyle change and first home buyers who have, to  date, not had their buying desires satisfied, to expand the pool of demand.

As the demand side becomes more complex, the supply side is exposed as too  simplistic. We need greater diversity of stock, more choices for people in terms of  housing typology and price point, and we need it urgently.


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