The Times Real Estate


NSW Government extends financial support for tenants and landlords

The NSW Government has announced it will provide increased security for tenants and financial support for landlords by extending the Residential Tenancy Support package.

Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation Kevin Anderson said the Residential Tenancy Support package will now be paid for a second month and eligible landlords can now apply for up to $3,000 to cover the two months from 14 July 2021, assuming they have reduced rent for their tenant by at least that much.

“The NSW Government is ensuring both residential tenants and landlords have ongoing support by extending financial assistance for private landlords who pass on rent relief,” Mr Anderson said.

“Keeping people safe doesn’t just mean reducing the health threats of the virus. It is vital we help keep a roof over the heads of those who may be suffering financial hardship at this difficult time.”

Mr Anderson said landlords who have already applied can make an additional application and those who are yet to apply will be able to make one application for the total amount of rent waived, up to $1,500 a month.

“We have always encouraged landlords and tenants to work together to negotiate on rental agreements and the NSW Government has now made that conversation easier by supporting landlords so they can reduce rent for their tenants,” Mr Anderson said.

“It’s hard enough having to lockdown in your home while we stop the spread of the virus, but this NSW Government support means you can do that without fear of being evicted.”

Landlords will also have the option to apply for the COVID-19 land tax benefit instead of applying for the Residential Tenancy Support Payment, which is an offset of the land tax liability equal to the rent reduction granted.

Eligible COVID-19 impacted residential tenants who cannot meet their residential rent payments will be protected from eviction during the moratorium period commencing from 14 July and finishing at the end of 11 September 2021.

For more information on the package or to apply go to Residential tenancy support package | NSW Fair Trading


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